Fundraise Local - We need to raise a ton of money quickly!  How much can we raise?

We need to raise a ton of money quickly! How much can we raise?

Non-profits need to raise so much money for so many things! 

Non-profits need to raise so much money for so many things!  Jerseys, equipment, referees, travel expenses, supplies, salaries for paid staff --- the fundraising is an endless battle!

Fundraise Local helps you focus your efforts as an organization so you can establish micro-goals to accomplish macro-results.  Below is an example of how a micro-goal for each member of an organization can accomplish macro-results.

Your organization has 100 members.  You set a goal for every member to sell five fifty-dollar Sam’s Pizza Gift Cards, two custom coffee cups from Everlasting Etchings, and ten car washes from Village Crossing. You set this goal to be accomplished by every member of the organization within 30 days.

With this example, each member will have raised $50 by selling the Sam’s Pizza Gift Cards, $20 by selling the custom coffee mugs from Everlasting Etchings, and $20 by selling the car washes from Village Crossing.  In total, each member will have raised $90.  With every member hitting this micro-goal, your organization has just raised $9000.  

What could your organization do with $9000?

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